
Laboratory Introduction

This lab is led by Dr. Hsueh-Chih, Chen to carry out research on eye movement, ERP experiments, and fMRI research. Two major themes are included: creativity and humor.

Research Equipment

The research equipment includes our department's SR Eyelink 2000 eye-tracking device (located in room 620), Tobii X120 eye-tracking device (located in room 618-1), and Neuroscan's SymAmp2 system (located in room 628). For fMRI research, we collaborate with "Taiwan Mind & Brain Imaging Center" at National Chengchi University and the "Imaging Center for Integrated BODY, MIND, AND CULTURE Research" at National Taiwan University.

Research Team

  • Name:Xue-Zhi, Chen
  • Title:Professor
  • Courses taught: Cognitive Psychology, Humor Psychology, Cognition and Emotion, Experimental Techniques

  • Name: Yu-Chen, Chan
  • Title: Associate Professor
  • Fields: Humor, cognition and emotion, fMRI

  • Name: Cheng-Lin, Wu
  • Title: Assistant Professor
  • Fields: Creativity, Problem-solving, Humor

  • Name: Ru-Hui, Dai
  • Title: Postdoctoral Researcher
  • Fields: Humor, fMRI

  • Name: Chien-Chi, Tseng
  • Title: Postdoctoral Researcher
  • Fields: Insight problem solving, eye tracking, literacy learning

  • Name: Meng-Ning, Tsai
  • Title: Ph.D. part-time assistant
  • Fields: Humor

  • Name: Yi-Chi, Chang
  • Title: Ph.D. part-time assistant
  • Fields: Humor cognitive neural mechanism, semantic processing event-related potentials

  • Name: Jing-Wen, Chiu
  • Title: Full-Time Assistant
  • Fields: Visual Attention, Eye Tracking, Developmental Delay

  • Name: Yi-Jie, Chiang
  • Title: Full-Time Assistant
  • Fields: Organizational behavior, organizational leadership, emotion
