
The department boasts specialized classrooms including audio-visual rooms, group counseling rooms, individual counseling rooms, one-way mirror observation rooms, psychology labs, and data analysis rooms, totaling approximately 23 in all. Each piece of equipment is thoughtfully updated and enhanced, tailored to both faculty and student needs in the context of courses and research, ensuring alignment with students' learning demands. Below is a detailed table of the dedicated activity and learning spaces for the department's students:

Student Professional Development and Learning Spaces Audio-Visual Classrooms Group Counseling and Individual Counseling Rooms Laboratories Self-study & Discussion Rooms Department Library Lockers
Number of rooms 6 8 9 5 1 Undergraduate 52
Master 216
Computers/Camera   0/7 9/1   2  
Multimedia Equipment 6 1        


  • All the audio-visual classrooms come equipped with projectors and cabinet audio systems, facilitating the playback of VHS, VCD, DVD movies, and computer presentations (additional notebook borrowing required). Specialized classrooms have projectors, with external speakers and notebooks available upon request.
  • Most individual counseling rooms, group counseling rooms, and other specialized training rooms feature one-way mirrors, as well as video and audio recording equipment. This setup aids in research, enabling both group and individual counseling simulations, thereby enhancing professional counseling skills and hands-on experience.
  • The 6th-floor lab is stocked with an array of equipment, including EEG machines, eye-tracking systems, biofeedback instruments, Skinner boxes, color mixers, mirror tracing devices, visual cognition instruments, light and sound reaction testers, perimeters, dual-hand balance devices, and optical card readers.
  • The self-study rooms are situated on the sixth floor of the Education Building, mainly serving students waiting between classes or needing a space for short discussions. These rooms are left unlocked on weekdays, with no keys distributed. On weekends and holidays, students are advised to use the main library, the information center, or the 5th-floor atrium and lounge. The 5th-floor lounge offers both study space and amenities like a shared refrigerator, steamer, and microwave.
  • Master students' mailboxes are positioned in the northern corridor of the department office, and they are encouraged to check for mail regularly. Individual locker keys and keys for the eastern hall on the 6th floor are available for collection from the department library at the start of the academic year. During the holidays, the doors to the east hall remain locked. Upon graduation or taking a leave of absence, all keys must be returned, with losses subject to compensation.
  • Undergraduate mailboxes are sorted by grade level and student association, located on the 5th floor near the elevator. This area also holds a variety of promotional materials for different events. The lockers for commuting students are in front of Room 511 and along the east corridor on the 6th floor, distributed by the second-year student association.
  • A reuse section for books and stationery is established in front of Room 515 for communal use.
  • The 5th floor is designated for undergraduate announcement boards. On the west side, you'll find academic affairs, student affairs, and general school announcements, while the east side displays information on lectures, workshops, and part-time job opportunities. The 6th floor is reserved for postgraduate announcements.
  • In popular course classrooms, priority seating areas are set up at the front to ensure a conducive learning environment for visually and physically disabled students.
  • The department has established its own wireless network to facilitate easy access to the PsycArticles electronic database, ensuring a more convenient learning setting. Additionally, the entire campus benefits from the NTNU wireless network.
