
1. Education goals

(1) To cultivate general knowledge of the educational psychology and counseling personnel.

(2) To cultivate professional knowledge of counseling teacher in secondary school and career planning teacher in high school.

(3) To cultivate academic research and practical ability in educational psychology.

(4) To cultivate academic research and practical ability in counseling psychology.

(5) To cultivate academic research and practical ability in psychological testing theory, big data analysis, and digital assessment tools.

2. Department features

(1) This department offers numerous courses in basic psychology and the application of educational psychology and counseling, enabling students to explore their interests in career development. Students are encouraged to take selective programs or minor degrees for diverse development. Their professional competitiveness is also enhanced through internship courses and supervision.

(2) Several of our teachers have received Outstanding Research Awards, Special Outstanding Talent Awards, and Outstanding Teacher Awards from the Ministry of Science and Technology. They have excellent qualitative and quantitative performance in research and teaching service in professional fields. Our students have also actively presented their research papers in domestic and foreign academic seminars and received Outstanding Doctor and Master Thesis Awards and Psychology Degree Thesis Awards.

(3) We endeavor to constantly improve our teachers and courses and provide advanced research equipment. We conduct cutting-edge research in educational psychology and counseling psychology. The Bulletin of Educational Psychology published by this department is listed in the psychology database of the Taiwan Social Sciences Citation Index, the Chinese Electronic Periodical Services database, and the American Psychological Association PsycINFO database.

(4) Short-term teacher and student exchange, dual degree systems, and cooperation agreements have been established with foreign countries such as the United States and Japan. Well-known foreign professors are invited for guest lectures, and domestic and international academic seminars are held. Thus, students’ international vision is cultivated, and international academic exchange is promoted.

(5) This department respects students’ opinions, and the teachers and students have warm and harmonious relationships. Through our service-learning courses, students have the opportunity to support students from a local orphanage and provide counseling to middle school students from neighboring districts. Thus, greater social awareness is cultivated in students.

3. Education philosophy

(1) Theory and practice are balanced, and internship supervision and profession improvement are strengthened.

(2) The academic basis of psychology application is established with innovative academic research.

(3) Diverse intelligence and career development are promoted, and students are educated in human care and social service.

(4) International academic exchange is promoted to broaden students’ vision.

4. Student image

(1) The qualities of “three hearts and two intentions,” which involve being caring, patient, enthusiastic, willing, and sincere, are emphasized.

(2) Effective teaching and professional knowledge and capacity in helping people.

(3) The ability to consider diverse perspectives.

(4) Interdisciplinary and international vision.
